You Are ONE STEP Away From Discovering The Most Advanced Social Manipulation Techniques Ever Created...

Before you buy, I wanted to give you an opportunity to obtain Advanced Tactics as well.

Advanced Tactics is a 100+ page book that expands on the topics presented in Elite Social Control.

With Advanced Tactics You Learn Everything Contained In Elite Social Control, Plus:

  • How to find all the “weak spots” you need to exploit others and make them do your bidding (I almost didn't want to share this, it is potentially very dangerous!)
  • Learn how to saturate your speech in intense, emotion-provoking ways that have a stronger effect than hypnosis
  • Get the absolute most powerful form of “lie detecting” you've ever discovered
  • Learn the enormous mistakes people make that cost them magnetism. You'll be in for a rude awakening when you see how many of these mistakes you are making
  • A little-known secret to play on someone’s selfishness
  • Learn how to saturate your speech in intense, emotion-provoking ways that have a stronger effect than hypnosis
  • The #1 secret that can prevent you from making mistakes and ever feeling let down or disappointed again
  • Discover an easy method that disguises your mental attacks as friendship -- thereby skyrocketing the loyalty level of your target
  • Quick and easy systems for “fine-tuning” persuasion tactics for ANY situation… and making Elite Social Control a natural part of your personality… not just a “technique”
  • How to create a "vibe" that tells others YOU are a person to be followed
  • A magic formula for thinking “three deep” that will allow you to stay one step ahead of everybody, all the time – with specific examples
  • Flood your entire personality with magnetism
  • How to persuade someone who barely even cares to become someone active and excited to side with you
  • How to tell the difference between “honesty” and “honesty used for dishonest ends”
  • Explore the deadly mistakes others make in persuasion, and how to fix them and run circles round your competition
  • Boost the psychological pulling power of your words instantly without any effort
  • 2 new rules that will allow you to judge if someone means you harm or not – without these, you’re lost
  • You've got BIG ideas staring you right in the face inside your mind...learn what they are and the ways to use them!
  • “Tense walking” – the body language secret that projects magnetism... that has been hidden for decades
  • Develop your “Dominating Mind,” controlling others with wall-to-wall magnetism

No thanks, I just want "Elite Social Control"